Thursday, January 14, 2010

Missing BYU Idaho a little bit

Today was another fairly boring day. Unfortunately I stayed in once again to do homework and do my laundry.

Even though I love Jerusalem, the classes are so weird and different and I am missing BYU-Idaho classes! Everyone who goes to BYU Idaho all agree that the classes and the way the teachers teach here are completely different from Idaho. In Idaho the teachers are very personable and helpful and really want you to succeed. Here the teachers are very, very smart and very intimidating. I'm sure I'll grow to like them but it is a hard adjustment. Our classes are two hour lectures and I get lost sometimes for large amounts of time, or I just black out. I'll adjust eventually, I'm sure, but it'll take some time. The BYU-Idaho learning module, the structure set up for teaching in Idaho, is also something that I appreciate so much more now. And like I said, everyone else who goes to BYU-Idaho agrees with me.

Anyway, the food was really good once again. I don't have much to say on days when I don't go into the city, obviously. But tomorrow we get to go to the Western Wall on a field trip to watch how the Jews bring in the Sabbath. I'm really excited for that, I think I even mentioned in a previous blog how I wanted to see that. So that will be good, and then tomorrow night we're playing sardines in the center and then watching The Prince of Egypt (love that movie!) to get excited to go to Egypt. It should be a good weekend, it'll be nice to get a break from homework!

I'm also starting to really get along with the people here. Which makes things fun but also so distracting and hard to focus on school! But it's all a part of the experience, I suppose.

Tomorrow I will have some more interesting things to say, but until then, Ma as-salaamah!


  1. We miss you Madi!!! And this makes me sad to graduate and a little nervous go to another school to get another degree. It's going to be totally different. :\

  2. Are you going to go on and get another degree??

  3. Thing is, I'm not sure yet. But my thoughts as of right now, it's a high chance.
