Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pizza Rolls and Chicken Fingers!

Unfortunately, today was a pretty boring day. Sorry, no interesting blog update.

I woke up and had breakfast, went to class, stayed in today to get caught up on my homework, and had another class at 5. That's pretty much all that went down today.

Except for one good thing happened today, and that was good food! Lunch was so good, finally something I 100% like. We had chicken fingers (even though they had an Israeli twist) and pizza rolls. So delicious. Finally the food that I have been craving!

That's all that went on today, I'm planning on going out tomorrow since I didn't today, and doing my laundry soon!

I got some sad and bad news today, though. We had a meeting about service opportunities in the community and they (the center authorities) made a rule that when we're doing service we cannot have any contact with children. I am so bummed about that!!! I was really, really looking forward to going into the orphanages and playing with the children, and I was especially eager to request a service time to go to a maternity hospital that's right down the street from the center where previous students have gone to feed the newborn babies. Also, I wanted to go to the orphanage in Bethlehem where my mom served while she was here. We are not allowed to go to Bethlehem but I heard rumors early last week that we would be able to for service, but now we definitely can't. So...sad day. I was really excited to work with young children since that's my major and area of expertise, and they're just so cute here, but I guess I won't be able to.

I had my first day of Arabic, and it was really funny. I like my teacher today and I think it will be my favorite class. So... until next time!

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