Friday, March 26, 2010

Galilee Day Nine--March 24, 2010

Two days ago I impulsively poured water on a boy in my group so that it looked like he wet his pants. The next morning he chased me down before breakfast and dumped a whole coffee pot of water down my front. I had to go to breakfast like that and had to go on my field trip like that. So...I got him back.

As you can see I got every pair of his pants (which he brought much more than I did!) and soaked them in the crotch and put them back for him to wear. So funny. But now I'm terrified about what he might do to me next.

This day we went to Akko which was a crusader's city way back when. We walked through the dungeons and through secret tunnels. We walked along the Mediterranean Sea and then had some free time to explore the Old City of Akko.

After we left Akko we hiked up to Mount Arbell which overlooks the whole area of Galilee. From that point we could see the geographic extent of the Savior's ministry. It was absolutely beautiful and well worth the hike up even though we were all very tired at the end of the day.


  1. Uh-oh! I sense a prank war coming on! My tip to you: pat Cool-Aid into his towels so his skin gets dyed when he towels off. ;)
    p.s. You look SO tan!

  2. Madison. This is mom. Am I posting a comment? Let me know. I love you.
